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Sanctuary Art Installation

Thank you to everyone who participated in the collaborative paintings currently displayed in the sanctuary. The subject matter was inspired during a meeting two years ago, as Valley Hope multiplied and grew in numbers. Sitting in the sanctuary and peering out the glass doors into the woods beyond, I could see the dense trees and vegetation, growing dark in the waning light. The depth of the forest felt welcoming instead of ominous, and I was struck with a powerful sense of peace. In that moment I was reminded of our journey following Christ, and how He beckons us into the richness of life in Him and through community with others. The leaves created by all members of our church are incorporated into these connected trees, and the paintings are oversaturated and abundantly green to emphasize life and vitality in community with God and others. In addition, the river flowing through echoes the imagery of Revelation 22:2 “…on each side of the river stood the tree of life…And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.”  Thank you to our liturgical arts team for arranging the leaves and painting these canvases!

- Jacqueline Oliver

If you'd like to use your artistic talents to serve our church and others, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..