Ways to Serve
Latest Ways to Serve
Community Meals
Community Meals
Stronger Together
Sunday, Feb 2: Forest Hills Clean-Up
Wednesday, Jan 29: Help Salvage Belongings From Damaged Home
Helene Relief and Recovery
VHC Building & Grounds Volunteers
Need a Meal Train?
Help VHC Stand with Isolated Families
Sharing Life Together
Welcome to Valley Hope Church! We are delighted that you are here and interested in serving alongside other followers of Jesus to see the Kingdom of God transform the Swannanoa Valley. We believe that we are not called to an individual Christianity but a shared life lived together on mission. You will find opportunities here to serve IN our church and OUTside of our church with the shared goal of bringing glory to God and creating life-long worshipers of Jesus.
The mission of Valley Hope is propelled by every individual that walks through our doors and has unique, God-given gifts that we would like to see you use to impact the world around you. Staff members, Elders & Deacons and members all have different roles within this mission. We use a team model to have members join in the work of Valley Hope in our community. We hope you will pray about how you would like to be involved this year!
Team Structure
Each team at Valley Hope consists of a number of members and a Team Lead. The Team Lead serves to organize team meetings and steer the direction of the team with a leadership mindset that galvanizes members to use their gifts, abilities, and passions for the sake of the Gospel. Team leads typically serve for a 2yr term and are encouraged to consider at least serving a 1yr term, which generally starts in August of each year.
Members may step on or off at any point and help implement the vision and purpose of the team. These members serve as the steering committee for many important ministries at our church.
Serving INside &
OUTside Valley Hope
Teams at Valley Hope
We hope you'll spend some time thinking and praying about how you can use your unique gifting in and through VHC. Please take some time to read about the various teams below. If you are interested in serving on or learning more about a particular team, use the button to email the team leader. We look forward to living our lives on mission with you!
Finance Team
The Finance Team exists to serve the church by helping to steward the church’s finances. The Team tracks budgeting goals and future aims. The Finance Team is instrumental in the annual budgeting process, providing congregational input to the Session as they construct the yearly financial targets, both spending and income.
Prayer Team
Each Sunday, someone from the Prayer Team intercedes for the Sunday morning worship team and teachers, as well as for people present at the worship service and Sunday Schools. Sometimes the prayer team is called in to pray for special needs in people’s homes. A weekly e-mail prayer chain for people in the congregation is sent out with more public requests to pray for.
Building Team
The role of the building team is to help Valley Hope discern the best ways to continually steward the facility resources we’ve been entrusted with, alongside the resources of future generations by being prepared, and resourceful now. The building team meets quarterly to decide what projects we should prioritize, and makes a strategic game plan for accomplishing those tasks. Members often serve with a birds eye point of view on projects, and then seek to bring non-members with suited skill sets alongside them to complete projects.
An Important Note:
The Building team seeks to discern the needs of our facilities to help us steward what has been entrusted to us, however, the Building Team cannot steward the building themselves. The Building Team relies heavily on the rest of the Church to chip in on the various projects that are continually being undergone. If you do not want to be on the building team, but want to offer your gifts in a more practical way, you can fill out the “Building & Grounds Volunteer Skill Sheet” and offer your plumbing, electrical, landscaping, cabinetry, carpentry skills etc. and as need comes up that you may be suited to help with, a member of the building team will reach out to you for aid or leadership of a project.
Missions and Outreach Team
The purpose of the Missions team is to prayerfully consider and facilitate the church’s involvement in local outreach and foreign missions. Within local outreach, our missions team leads our church by keeping us focused on ministries in the Swannanoa Valley.
Within foreign missions, our missions team leads our church by discerning which missionaries we will support for the fiscal year and by inviting us to pray for their work across the globe. Currently we give monthly support to 10 missionaries that serve international missions and 2 missionaries that serve locally. Please visit the missions page to learn more about where our foreign missionaries serve.
Worship Team
Our worship team helps lead and facilitate the congregation in worship through music. This happens primarily on Sunday mornings, however, there are also opportunities such as the Night of Worship that members are able to lead in. All musicians and vocalists may find an opportunity to serve in this capacity whether you play the violin, guitar, piano, bass, drums, backup vocals, or any other instrument that you enjoy worshiping with; your gifts can be used as a vital part of our worship team.
Liturgical Arts Team
The Liturgical Arts Team attends to the various creative ways that our physical space can reflect the Truth of the Word and the seasons of the Church. This can incorporate regular art installations, adjustments to the worship space, the arrangement of the Table. It is a great place for those who care for artistry and worship to use their gifts to serve the whole church.
Church Life Team
The purpose of the Church Life team is to offer fellowship with the church through gatherings and celebrations and be hospitable to the neighborhood and community around us. We do that through organizing fellowship functions, planning potlucks, ensuring all supplies are acquired and managing set-up, food distribution, and clean up and decorating the Fellowship Hall as needed. We are people who study, pray, eat, minister, party and share life together, and hope that as we do, we will reach many of the people Jesus brought us together to reach.
Personnel Committee
The Personnel Committee at Valley Hope is designed to establish and maintain orderly, consistent administration of personnel policy, procedures and practices. Practically, this is seen in establishing and fostering guidelines for effective working relationships at all levels of Valley Hope Church.
Children's Ministry Volunteers
We need volunteers for Sunday School! All you need it to do is fill out an application. A background check will be done and you will attend a short training before your first Sunday School class. As a volunteer, you are invited to share the incredible love of Christ with these kids. This may be the first time they are hearing what Jesus has done for them and how He continually works in and throug
Within the Children’s ministry, there are 2 roles that team members can hold. One is as a team member, which serves to help steer the vision of the ministry, provide practical guidance, help with discernment, and aid in logistic tasks (preparing a meal for an event etc.). Another role you can have on this team is to actually serve as a volunteer on Sunday Mornings in the classrooms. Both needs are vital to a healthy children’s ministry.
What an amazing story WE get to be a part of! We CAN'T have Sunday School without our wonderful volunteers!
Student Ministry Team
Within the Student Ministry, there are 2 roles that team members can hold. One is as a team member, which serves to help steer the vision of the ministry, provide practical guidance, help with discernment, and aid in logistic tasks (preparing a meal for an event etc.). Another role you can have on this team is to actually serve as a volunteer. The opportunities to volunteer are numerous, but they most commonly consist of serving in Youth Groups, Retreats, leading a Bible Study, leading the youth worship band, etc. A volunteer can serve in just one of these ways, or all, but the primary goal of volunteers is for them to build relationships with students, so that students can be discipled towards Jesus. Therefore, the relational aspect of volunteering is actually the true focus of student ministry volunteers rather than the practical and logistical focus of the rest of the team. Both needs are vital to a healthy ministry.
Children's Ministry Team
Are you interested in serving alongside our ministry to children, however, are unsure if you can volunteer in sunday school or kids club? Another great opportunity to serve is to join our Children's Ministry Team. This team fills more practical functions of the ministry as needs arise from time to time.
Other Ways
to Serve at VHC
Coffee Service
Soul Care Team
Communion Set-Up
A/V Team
Reading Scripture
Men's Ministry
Women's Ministry
Small Group Leader
Time, Skills or Equipment
Do you have volunteer time, specialized skills or equipment you would be willing to use for the benefit of the church? We believe God gives good gifts to his church in many ways and one of those ways is through His people. We invite you to let us know the ways you might be able to use the time, skills and equipment God has given you to help care for His church. This helps us know who we can contact as future needs and projects arise to see if there is availability to help.
Needed Supplies
Our ministries often have needs that you may be able to provide. The following list is updated regularly with our ministry needs. If you can provide any of these items, please let us know! Your help is greatly appreciated!
Volunteer Teams
As part of a church family, serving is one of the ways we model Jesus as we live in community. If you've been at Valley Hope for a while and are looking for ways to serve here, we encourage you to check out these opportunities to see if there is an area of interest where you can use your unique talents and gifts.